My Specter My shame

Scary Closet

A poem I tried to write in Edgar Allen Poe style describing a little story.  I think I did a good job on it.  A short poem, a little creepy, a little funny.

Games of deceit


One of my earlier works, a nice strong voice to it.  One of my favorites.  Was inspired by the The Wheel of Time books. This was inspired by a dream of papers flying around a sleeping person who was studying.  It turned out very different from what I had first planned.

Soul Mates

Kingdoms Fallen

Based on true love, probably. I like this one a lot for its ancient feel.  Nothing lasts forever you know.  This one just came to me one day, the entire thing.  One of my favorites.
A Brief Moment Outside

The End of Days

I thought of this one while sitting outside on a clear day, literally during a brief moment outside. I wanted to tell a story of the world ending through an old mans eyes.  I really had trouble writing this about half-way through.  Its not among my favorites.
Don't Give Up

Wings To Soar

Written at a time when some friends of mine need to keep at it. I have always wanted to grow wings and fly, here I admire some wings of different creatures.

Those Gone

To a friend who lost her best friend.