Here is a test of your knowledge to see just how you really are.   Although if you know HTML you can see the answers right now, but what would be the fun in that?  When you fill it out it will bring you a list of your answers and weather or not they are correct.  

The results may look confusing at first but you will understand it in a second.   Unless your an idiot.

You know your an idiot if you get them all wrong.

First to get them all right: Ventric (on his second try!)

First to get them all right on his first try: TAZ Bandit (We salute you)

How many planets are there in our solar system?
three  five  nine  none  not enough

The world is:
round  flat   square  egg-shaped  a bitch  not enough

A gigabyte is:
100 megabytes  1000 megabytes  masquito produced   The size of a save game file in "Sin"  not enough

An atom is:
one of five elements  up and atom!  made of smaller particles  not enough

What is the meaning of "salutaions"?
hello   I am a monkey   small cookies   goodbye   not enough

The square of 4 equals:
16  256   the licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop  not enough

The Sun goes around the Earth:
once a day  never   once a year  not enough

Who said "Et tu Brute?"
You just did  Napoleon  Octavious  Caesar  too many people

Roy G Biv is:
an acronym for rainbow colors   a hyperbole for rainbow colors  a senator  not enough rainbow colors

Eumenides is:  
My lover  Far greater then I  A little off in the head  A man of many mysteries

My nick-name is: