Ok, I see on TV all these hate groups against gays and churches dedicated to gays being damned (kind of seems like a sad basis for religion).  These people obviously don't know a damn thing about gays, besides the obvious.  First of all, lets get the whole gay thing straight (no pun intended).  It is not a choice thing.  It has to do with the presence (or was it absence?) of a certain amount of a chemical during the development of the infant brain.  Gay people do not have more estrogen or more testosterone.  A person does not just turn gay by wanting to be.  Really, that's impossible.  Your sexual preference is programmed into your brain before you know what a gender is.   Someone may not realize they are gay until they are young adults, but that does not mean they went from being straight to gay.  Now in these stupid gay hate groups, parents were asked what they would do if a child of theirs was gay.  They said that no child of their would ever become gay, because they are taught how wrong it is.   Believe me people, if people could choose that easily, their wouldn't be any gay people (I am basing this on a high school survey, where about 90% of gay students said they would rather be straight).  And gayness is not a new thing, this has happened since the dawn of man.  And another little side fact, about 5% of the American population is gay.  So you can forget that little 1 in ever 7 myth.  One in every 20 is closer to being true, but that does not necessarily mean anything if you have 20 friends.

    Now some churches are preaching that all gays go to hell.  Kind of like all dogs go to heaven?  Come on people, do you really think God damns people to eternity because of something they could not help?  Something you might even say God made them do?  Gayness is not a man-made thing, it is natural.  Well, anyone who has taken a biology class could probably argue equally well that it is a genetic defect or it is a wrong step in genetic variation.   I say wrong step (not trying to be insulting) because in genetic variation, the variations happen so that the species may benefit from that variation, and those with a beneficial variation will have a higher chance of living, therefore producing more offspring with that variation, this is how evolution happens, but if gayness can be considered a genetic variation, it must be a wrong step because a gay person usually does not reproduce.  Follow my logic?   Anyway, it does say in the Bible that being gay is a sin or something like that.   But is it an unforgivable sin?  A damnable sin?  Pretty much everything fun is a sin, so why should this sin (which I would like to note, is not exactly in my "fun sin" category) be so bad?  And is it really a sin?  Come on now, God did NOT write the Bible.  How do we know it was not just a decision by the people who wrote the Bible so long ago?  Come on, the Bible mentions slaves, and we know that is not moral.  The Bible has quite a few problems with it, this might just be one of them.  And yes, you heard me, the Bible is not completely correct.  All of Genesis for example!  And the part where it says the man is the lord of the house.   And a message to those in that preach about hating all gays: It will be those whose hearts are full of hate that will fall upon the burning coals of hell!

    If it feels good, do it.  If your gay, alright.  If your straight, alright.  If your bi, good for you, then everyone is a date possibility!