
Can't live without it, so get used to it!

Sunny day: What more could you want?  A sunny day!  A great excuse to go play outside, away from the sweet sweet glow of your computer.  But why would we want to do that?  On the upside, it makes for good driving whether, and its nice to sit outside for awhile (when you are thinking about your next rant).  B

Rainy day:  oh look!  Its raining!  Guess I will just have to stay inside and work on the computer!  Ah, I live rainy days, it's like the sky is crying, bawahahaha!  A

Snowing:  Sure the snow is pretty.  But when its snowing, its probably not enough to go sledding.  And if you can't go sledding whats the fricking point?  Its just damn cold!  D+

Blizzard:  They make kick ass games but they are so damn slow at it!   They have been working on Diablo2 for years and...what?  Oh, were not talking about the company here.  Let me tell you, blizzards rule.  Piles and piles of snow ripe for sledding.  Sure its cold, but when your flying down your favorite hill, your not going to give a damn.  A+

Cloudy:  Who cares about cloudy?  Its like the mediocre whether.   Its the movie rated PG.  Its the diet soda.  Its the brown M&M.   Its the final episode of Seinfeild.  Its the vanilla flavored ice cream.   Its the TI-36 calculator.  Its Robocop3.  Its Carmageddon 2.  Its any game that begins with the word "Sim".  C

Frickin' Hot:  I can't stand this whether!  Maybe Im its because Im from vermont, but in my opinion, 75 degrees is hot enough to go around shirtless (I don't anymore after all the complaints).  So when it turns 90 degrees Im going to submerge myself in cold water or turn up the air conditioning and lie down until winter comes.  I don't get why real old people love this whether.  Im guessing that as you get older, you start to freeze up, and you need the heat to keep you partly liquid.   D-

Those that did not make the cut:

Hurricane whether
Hail of fire
Plague of locust
Twister (what a crappy movie)
Acid rain
Nuclear winter
Solar winds
Global warming
Tidal wave
El Nino