[Eumenides note: the following article does not necessarily represent my views, but it pretty much does.]

  1. Manson is only in it for the money and fame ("...you cut off all your fingers, trade them for dollar bills..."). He has publically admitted to desiring only the popularity of which he preaches against.
  2. He makes himself out to be one thing, while admitting to being another all together ("... we're all on the other side, the screen is us and we're TV..."). He has also admitted to this.
  3. Mansonites (little posers almost as bad as Manson himself) spend all their energy following an idea, the false image set forth by Manson ("Hey, Mr. Big Rock Star, I wanna grow up to be just like you...").
  4. Mascara-clotted vision...while this applies to the Mansonites, most probably couldn't tell you what it is..."[their] Cyclops woman (Manson himself) is [their] eye of the world. Whose reflection is in the retina?"
  5. While some claim to hate the "gothic" trend, and others aspire to be "gothic", most goths neither like Manson nor his followers, and Manson's ideals have been mercilessly stolen from them and exploited as a "Manson thing"
  6. Obviously, the favorite musical choice of the Mansonites is, well, Marilyn Manson. Yet most only listen to Manson at the exclusion of other bands, excepting, of course, other big name bands such as Nine Inch Nails. Don't get us wrong, NIN's music is valid. Manson, however, is a spin-off. In reality, these Mansonheads have no idea of what "real" music is. (Example 1, for you steaming Mansonites...ever heard of Sisters of Mercy? My Dying Bride??)
  7. Ever notice the check list? If Manson thinks that S&M is cool, so will they (the pitiful Mansonites, that is). If Manson goes on preaching the greatness of Easy-Cheese™ and pickle sandwiches, they will think that Easy-Cheese™ sandwiches with a little Vlasic™ pickle on top is the greatest thing. If tomorrow he said that lunchboxes sucked, Blaze and company would throw theirs away and deny ever having them. He is their Christ, but far too weak and petty to be the Antichrist.
  8. Ever hear him refered to as "Reverend Manson"? He claims to be a reverend in the Church of Satan, when he also admits to being an atheist-beliving in neither god nor satan.

We hope to have provided you with enough facts. Please, join the anti-poser, anti-Manson war. Save the dignity of the true freaks of whom Manson wishes he was.

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