oooh, here is a serious one.  I will leave it to you to figure out why I named it this.

So the big issue has been around for a long time, two sides, right?  Pro-life, and Pro-choice.  Chances are, you boo-ed when I said one of those.  *Smack* how dare you boo me!  I bet your dying to know what I think.  Well I am pro-yo yo!   Eh, sorry about that.  I was going to say pro-choice, but I am not completely.   You see, its not really about freedom or rights for me.  No wait, yes it is!   I think!  Most people who get abortions are teenagers or they cannot afford to raise a child.  Teenagers are not emotionally ready to handle a baby.  Hell, most teenagers are complete morons, what would they know about kids?  The counter argument:  If they are ready for sex, then they are ready for a baby!  Bullshit!   Say it again!  Bullshit!  The drive for sex is a basic human instinct which we all still experience.  Raising a child however, is not something teens are ready for.  Think about it.  Times have changed since the ol cave days.  We have dis-aligned our emotional stages.  Early on we would be ready to have sex and have a baby in our teen years.  EVERYBODY would at their teens!  Now a days, life is longer, we have more things to do before we raise a family.  So we changed when we are ready for kids, but not when we feel the urge to make sweet lovin'.

Killing a fetus is murder!  Right?  Well, murder is when we kill a human.   Babies don't even have most thinking abilites untill they are 2 years old.   But it is more then that which makes a human.  But when is a fetus a human?   Some fools say the second the sperm enters the egg.  Give me a break!   Its not even close!  Really, I wouldn't call it human untill it can breath on its own.  Now then, the single-cell fetus is alive.  So is it wrong to kill that living thing?  Well, bugs are living, but I still step on them!  I really wanted to say that, but I probably offended you (I think I offended me).  Thing is, its not really human, its just a few cells that will be human...

The potential human.  That is what some people argue.  The sperm and egg will be human!  But wait!  All sperm and egg have the potential for being human!   Should we save all the sperm??  Goodness man!  Don't waist that, save it!   quick, put it in the fridge!  Ugh, I think not.  I don't think potential matters, what will be, will, but it does not have to be.  Did that make sence?   It has just as much potential to be a jack-ass, bum, criminal, as it does a brilliant mad scientist.  If the person is not ready now, then dammit, maybe they will be later.  It is better for the person to have a child when they are ready, it will be better for the kid they raise too.

Main problem with pro-life people, must be tha many of them are stupid.  The best way to stop abortions is not to kill doctors (lets see, save a fetus by killing a doctor, anyone see a problem?) nor to protest abortions.  The best way is to hand out condoms and smack the stupid teenagers and tell them that sex = babies.  Birth control is the best way.  And if you do not think teenagers should be having sex at all, then abortion is not what you are against.  Abortion is what can result.  Having a baby should never be a punishment for having sex.